Friday, July 22, 2005

War Torn

We had dinner out with my parents and talked some sense out of the latest bombings. Just the other day, I was watching Discovery about the latest in high-tech arsenal the US military has to offer and talking about an advantage in warfare. As I was so intrigued about their arch enemy Bin Laden, it came upon me the comparison on what methods he’s been using against the super power. Indeed, US has ousted Saddam with little resistance, but until this very day, tens or hundreds of people have been terrorized and affected by these ‘holy’ bombings and it seemed that no one not even the most powerful nations could stop it. We couldn’t blame the government if they cannot prevent these from happening because it’s like finding a needle in a hay stack. These bombings are done by individuals that as we know are regular folks that walk down the street, or take the bus, or ride the tube, it’s just impossible to pinpoint these possible culprits. In the end of the day, we all hope that it will never happen to us or love ones, but these kind of things are just a fact of life that we have to accept. Tragic, of course, these are not random events that happen; it is meant to happen, for there is purpose even the most ghastly situation. It is war, and it always has been.


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