Thursday, July 07, 2005

Kneeling Bombs

It was already dark outside and I was on front of my computer screen arranging some music clips when my mom knocked on my door. I got off and opened the door ajar, and mom told me that something terrible happened in London. So, I hurriedly opened my TV and saw police, ambulances and people wearing in neon vests while others walking away from where the terrible blasts came from. “Terrorism,” that was what Prime minister Tony Blair said on the news. Some experts said that it was the handy work of the infamous Al Qaeda network because the blasts that happened was coordinated. This event happened just after the day when London has won for the Olympic bid in 2012, and this is also the time when Tony Blair was in Scotland where the G8 meeting is taking place. This was seen as evil and deplorable, but to what we see as our enemy sees it, it was casualties of war because for them it is war, and bullets or bombs don’t kneel to anyone.


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