Saturday, April 02, 2005

A Test In Life

“People are so smart!” says one student support staff at our school after class. And, suddenly I realized it is true. If you can only see the things that man has accomplished: airplanes, computers, life support systems and a man on the moon. How could anybody think that people can do it if you just sit down and think. They say, “God created the universe in seven days, but man can destroy it in a blink of an eye.” Because of this, man became god; gods who wants to control nature, man who controls time, and man who controls even life. Last Thursday, a brain-damaged woman died of hunger, not because she wanted to but because of the so-called man-made law. No matter how smart people are, no one can decide the fate of someone else’s life; no one could ever dictate why life should live even how hopeless it may seem. She lived a normal life once, but what is normal anyway? Some got heart problems, some has liver cancer, some cannot walk or talk, some cannot hear or see, what made her different from them? Was she like a dead stone that cannot breath? Was she like a dead tree that doesn’t give fond memories? I think there is a God who planned all of this to see whether man has answers about the complexities of life. Because of Terri, people from different nations began to sit back and ponder how we should defend or destroy life, which God has created not as a curse but a gift to cherish, protect and love. Her death brought grief to some of us. A grief that struck us not because we lost money or car or a house, but someone her family loved. If men are so smart, how could they fail this test called life?


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