Saturday, February 19, 2005

Trivial Pursuits

Today, I have computer classes and I’m eager to learn new things. Of course, everyday we do learn new things except that it depends if we sit back for awhile and ponder the things that happened throughout the day. I’m been late to my classes three straight Saturdays, and so my eagerness is somewhat far from the truth. Throughout my life, I’ve always been prompt whether in high school, college, church or work because I believe that promptness is a sign of respect to others- to my teachers, preachers and bosses. But lately, I just having a hard time waking up early, and even a hard time getting sleep at night. The reason is not something in my head but something I have.

As long as I could remember, I’ve always been eager in learning new things, but age has its toll. This year I’m turning another year older and getting stubborn. I do still respect teachers but it depends on what kind of teachers. What I’ve learned, there are three kinds of teachers: One, teaches the lesson based on their experiences and never follows the curriculum or uses the book provided. Two, teachers who teach based solely on the book provided page by page. And three, the teacher who let the students do the learning and teaching.There is a deeper reason for my eagerness to learn to fade; lack of motivation and my discouragement in my present situation. I’ve been studying all my life, reading books two inch thick, and spending almost all my life in front of the computer. What I’ve learned for two years of work is that it is harder to solve human problems than mathematical equations, for humans are so unpredictable unlike with computers, there is a definite cure. I would look back and safely say that I’ve wasted my life in trivial pursuits. What is more important is flesh and blood because they are the ones who will love you or hate you. God didn’t say to love Him only, but also to love others as self.


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