Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Boys' Turf

If you wait for something to happen while you’re inside your house then chances are you won’t see anything new. That’s why I regularly go out to the park and walk my dog. It does not only make your dog happy, but it also calms your nerves from the fresh air outside. So often, I see children playing basketball at the open court; I see unusual cars passing by our street, and even hear tunes emanating from our neighbors. My dog and I usually go the same route everyday, for she has this favorite spot. As we passed the so-called tennis court turned skateboard rink, I saw a lone, young girl wearing red with her mother walking towards the rink. Obviously, she’s new and trying to blend in with those male trashers or skateboarders as I call them. As I was observing, I noticed the girl came back arguing to her mother with her skateboard feeling disappointed. “Welcome to the boys’ turf,” I guess. A little appalled to what I saw, I thought, “Why don’t they even give her a chance and make more friends even if she’s a girl?” I mean, our president is female. And maybe, that’s the reason why those frustrated-to-be-president boys are picking on her and trying to remove her from office. Even yesterday, someone gave her a Valentine’s present-eleven innocent people dead. Those people responsible, yes those boys are just insane! But, even the Bible tells and teaches us that women must submit to their husband. I guess the Bible again has proved again right. For men are first to be created and women came from men, and therefore women must support whatever decision her man must make within the bounds of right and wrong. I’m not trying to demean or put women as ‘slaves’ to men, but we all have a position, a role in life. Like, a janitor is no lesser than a CEO. We are all equal in the eyes of God, and we should fulfill our roles in this world. If an elected president is a woman, then she must do her work, her place in society, to lead and to serve as willed by God. Boys, we must admit, that there is a higher being that we should still submit, not women, but God himself.


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