Friday, February 11, 2005

"I love you, but I can't hug you!"

I’m alone. In my house, in my room, and in my life. Sadness is a feeling that comes and goes, but the sad part is that it comes back again, and again, and again. It’s like Satan is picking me with his large fork while dangling in his horror house, well not exactly. The fact is, I have more times that I’m happy, with my friends, family, relatives and yes, even when I’m alone, in my house, in my room, and in my life. Joy comes on how you look at things in a positive way. For example, I lost 500 bucks. Even if I lost a lot of money, I still eat three times a day and even more. I sleep with a roof on my head and healthy as a cow. As they say, health is wealth. Being alone is the same thing. I don’t have to undergo worries on how to feed and raise a family. Like what Apostle Paul said that there are more things to worry about than of this world, and he was right. But, he also said that being solo is something more as a gift, like different talents for different individuals. I know myself, and being alone for life is a betrayer of me. I need someone to express my deepest feelings, thoughts or know that she needs my help and I would come to her rescue and be his knight in shining armor. I need to feel appreciated because I am human. My weaknesses is her strength, and hers mine. I believe and truly am convinced that God’s love is sufficient for me, but like every morning, I like to wake up and feel her arms around me. Someone to touch my lips and long for another night together. I always tell God, “I love you but I can’t hug you!”


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