Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Praying Courage

I was sitting all day in front of the computer, getting worried that it will eat up all my time and never experience the rays of sunshine outside. Just to make my computer secure, I need to frequently update all my software, such as anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-adware, and maybe even protect myself from the anti-Christ as far as I know. It took me grueling hours from downloading on my humble dial-up modem, which is fast becoming an antique, or let’s put it nicely, a classic. After everything has been updated, I scanned my computer, which will take another ice age to finish, suddenly it crashed. So, I connected to the customer service and made a live chat with the technician. She asked me some questions, which I promptly answered, then again suddenly I got disconnected to find out I ran out of surfing time with my prepaid card. Fortunately, a thought came over me and took control of me and started to fix the problem of my own. I looked at the filename where the scanning stopped and searched it manually. After another hours or so, a breakthrough! I found the problem files and deleted them, then I ran the scanning software again and viola! It worked. Problem solved, and it’s already dark outside. It’s like I missed the sun again and greeted ‘hello’ to the moon.

My mom is shouting again at me downstairs, telling me that dad is inviting us to dine out. I shouted back, “Yes!” But, still busy doing some maintenance with the computer figuring out how to make it run faster. Don’t get me wrong my computer is just months old, and it can still run as fast as Lone Ranger’s Silver. I love my computer, not intimately, but I got memories of my own recorded songs in it. I love music. If I can only steal some money from a bank, I’ll buy an IPod.

It’s at noon in the evening. I got dressed and went out with my mom. I was wondering why it’s seems that the night is darker than the previous night. The moon is still there, but there was no light emanating from the lamp posts throughout our neighborhood. “I guess we’re back in the dark ages,” I thought. My mom told me that my neighbors are not paying for the bills due to our subdivision, and so the nice people in our bright city just cut us off. It’s already Valentine’s Day and we still don’t have a president for our subdivision. No one even dared to become one because they knew the nightmare their facing- collecting bills. I know that living is getting harder these days, and people are tightening their belts, wishing that one day bills will just vanish into thin air or get burned in hell.

We are sitting inside a newly opened restaurant, when I got the impression that bills is just hiding behind the counters waiting to devour another victim. My parents and I talked about the up coming appointments and schedules and how it will affect my boring life, stuff like that. Then I saw a popular journalist of the Inquirer eating with her family (I guess). They are also our church mates. I just found out that she writes about sports. So, I shared the boxing I watched on TV the other night, which is quite interesting because the challenger lost on just round two. The challenger was so frustrated that he even tried to knockout the referee. I don’t really know why I watch boxing because it’s downright cruel. You’re hurting your opponent physically and that’s not sports.

Before we get to eat, we always say a small prayer of thanks. While we are praying, the waiter did not even noticed us and disrupted us by placing plates and utensils on the table. To be honest, I got a little upset for the intrusion. I mean, nobody do pray anymore nowadays that people don’t expect other people to pray first before they eat? Sadly, it’s true. I think that even some so-called Christians are too embarrassed to pray in public. It’s scary because God explicitly told us not to be ashamed of Him or He will never call us His own and kick us out from heaven. You might not know, but so many people have died because of their faith. They’ve been persecuted by throwing them in prison, abused, whipped, beheaded and even forced them to give up their faith. But, they fought up to the end of their lives, never embarrassed and never forsaken.


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