Sunday, February 13, 2005

Talking to Sheep

Talking for me is an art. It searches your inner being and thoughts and expresses that self to others. Others might be a thing, like your computer when it’s downloading something or processing a load of data and you don’t want it to crash. Or someone, when you have nothing to do and when things become so boring and gossip on celebrities of choice. Or, in this case, sheep. After I had my winter vacation in UK, while traveling on a bus, you can see a picturesque of endless, wide, sloping, green pastures with different kinds of woolly sheep grazing into the whole countryside. What I’ve noticed is that almost 90% of their lives consist of eating, for I never saw a sheep tried to have some rest or talk to other sheep; they just eat. I feel sorry about them because, they spend all their life staying to survive just to be butchered and eaten by more advanced sheep: men. I’ve thought about what is life being a simple shepherd. Why do we have to choose a life of stress and fatigue when we can live like simple shepherds and talk to sheep? Moses did that after 40 years of being the son of a pharaoh. During his early 40 years in Egypt, he got the highest education, got influential circle of friends, ate at the royal court, and has the future of becoming the next ruler of the most powerful land in that time. Until, he wasted it all up and talked to sheep by being a simple shepherd for another 40 years. As we already know the rest of the story, God did not choose him during the time when he got all the learning, but when he was just a humble shepherd. I guess, during a lifetime of shepherding, he learned to talk not only sheep but to God. Talking to sheep and God has some similarities as I’ve observed because you got to say everything you like, everything you need, your concerns and your inner self is exposed, for nobody’s around but you and Him or the sheep. I believe everyone has experienced talking alone with God because you wanted to talk the language of the heart. Like any language, you need to practice and of course, be sincere. Just like what Jesus said, “When you pray [talk to God], do not be like the hypocrites! They love to stand and pray in the houses of worship and on the street corners, so that everyone will see them. I assure you, they have already paid in full. But when you pray, go to your room, close the door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what you do in private, will reward you.” Another similarity is that when you talk to sheep or God, it reflects the essence of self, and everything about you will be made known. Therefore, talking is a form of art.

But, after all these observations, I must conclude, that the biggest and only difference between sheep and God is that a sheep never listens.


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