Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I was watching TV listening to good, sound scriptures; learning about psychology and behavior of humans by Bro. Eli preaching the Bible. What I learned though that people hurl insults to other people like to the blind, deaf, mute, handicapped and these same poor people however underprivileged, are targets of mockery and scorn. People laugh at those people who are cross-eyed and those who walk like penguins because of their disfigured feet or people who look like whales, horses, bull-dogs, or any other creature which resembles animals, for they believe that these people are lower, sub-humans, freaks of nature, below them. Those same people who make fun of others are those people who thinks they are much more important; who thinks highly of themselves that they are perfect, gods, smarter, beautiful, and worthy.

But, the truth is all people are important in God's eyes. Actually, the Bible tells us that we are much worthy than angels because as it is written that we, people chosen by God, will judge those angels in the Last Days 1 Corinthians 6:3 (It is also written that angels are created higher than humans, but according to power, not worth). In the book of Revelation, an angel said to John that he should not worship him for angels are like us, servants who serve God.


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