Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Best That I Can Do

Maybe you're tired of hearing or reading discouraging news after news every day in your whole life. Well, that's news. Although we get weary or sad, we still log-on and read hoping that everything is getting better and it is! We may come to a point in life that we wish the world would stop and just hold its beauty and magnificence, trying to have a glimpse of wonder of God's creation. Lately, I saw a featured article of a woman who lives in a van dreaming to become a professional photographer. I never read it just saw its heading yet I felt something that I felt years ago when I was still a teenager. There is this spark, a flame that burns deep inside our hearts, the hunger of something ideal and noble. Maybe some of you have this dream once. It's a secret dream of mine that if I become rich, I would try anyway I can to help the needy, the poor and afflicted. That was my dream. Now, I just dream to live a normal life where I could contribute part of what I learned that maybe someday people will see me as I am really is. I may have a snobbish looking photo, or a proud mannerism, only God could tell because He looks into our hearts. If only people are blind yet they were, for they can never see the true self, the inner being that deep persona.

As I have said, it's getting better. Like that beatles song: “I got to admit it's getting better, getting better all the time.” Yet for others, it's damnation. Now, I am realizing the truthfulness of our Lord Jesus Christ when He said, “The Kingdom of God is in you.” It is real, and you may see all the ugliness of this world, still there is hope- a joy that brings to anyone who believes. “Come to me and I will give you rest.”

There is no other joy that I can feel when I see the fruits of my labor. I will be the happiest man in the world if I see this happen in my lifetime. It happened to me yet we are still alive and the battle is not yet won. There are still things we must do, to serve our purpose, our calling. “Purpose Driven Life,” I like that catchy phrase, and its meaning. I was blind then, but through God's help, He is lifting the veil and slowly giving me eyes to gleam to the light that beams. I've been to that path before; somehow I lost my way, getting enticed by worldly pleasures.

Recently, I've been busy creating my web site for Sound Chemistry. Still, I'm working alone so that is my challenge. My friends are busy also at the moment, so I couldn't ask their help. God willing, I would launch it after my birthday this July 30. Yehey!! (Yikes! It means I'm getting older)


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