Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rainy Days

Here, days are gloomy as if the sun shied away from its glorious light and hid from the maddening darkness. I might sound like those introductions in theaters or those movies where the narrator gives the audience some sense of what happened and what else to come and expect. Like when we rise up in the morning expecting something else that will surprise us in our dreary existence. The day started as routine as anyone else being a “normal” person, but we always ask this question of anticipation that seeks adventure. A day will never pass without one?

I got out and planned to buy something. Got my umbrella, wore a T-shirt, shorts (which I don't normally), and slipped on my slippers. As I was going to the store, I came across the slippery slick and glossy overpass, managing to walk like crossing a rope bridge steadily and carefully looking for traction from slippers. Sorry to disappoint you but I never slipped.

After buying stuff, I went to a cafe serving keyboards, mice, monitors and DSL. And the duel with the forces of evil took off. I read somewhere that on-line games is a billion-dollar industry. Because of them, they are making the rich even richer, reaching audiences from grade-schoolers, teen agers, the unemployed and the miserable. Finding the sense of into a world created by himself while bad-mouthing, laughing and insulting others. I guess, they were dueling with evil in the real world and their self-made world. Two worlds that exist and sometimes recursive until reaching hell itself. Nevertheless, it was one good-old piratey swash buckling sword-fighting. I remember those days when I was like them playing games like Monkey Island, Aztec, Comers, Myst-a personal favorite.

I am totally saddened by what I read in the news yesterday that 5,000 Filipinos were left homeless because of a wild fire that blazed across houses in Manila. How terrible it was! Now, life got even harder. Gas prices, hurricanes, competition what else is left there? As prophesised in the scriptures that life will get even worse. The world now has wars, pestilence, famine and deaths people should think to help each other rather than hurting, selfishness and killings! What were they thinking?! Will it solve their problems in the real world by doing these things? Of course not! They could predict the weather but they can't predict the times that all of these are happening. Have we saved someone for Rainy days?


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