Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A Country of Thieves

I was a thief when I was in college. But, I never stole or snatched bags, or wallets, nor purses, instead I stole someone's work. Later on after college, almost everyday, I would go to the mall and buy CD Roms and play games on my PC. Thinking I would save money for more important things, but rather wasted it on buying another. It was a drug that slowly eroded my precious time and money. Only years later, after working in a tech company as a programmer, then I realized my ignorance. I saw that buying pirated CDs would eventually hurt programmers like myself. Instead of using the money bought from pirated CDs to hire programmers and build start-ups, the money is put to cold-hearted, selfish law-breakers' pockets. The money that could have been used for creating jobs, paying taxes that fuels the economy, goes to illegal businesses that could even run drug cartels. I mean, if they are doing wrong what could stop them for doing other illegal things like selling illegal drugs, prostitution, and illegal gambling? The only losers here are ourselves.


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