Wednesday, February 01, 2006


     It’s just days when a strange, natural phenomena arrives. It is an event where apples become the fruit of the day, or banana split become cherry’s healthy food. Fire houses are noticed by passer-by, with bloody hearts painted as graffiti on the wall. Yep, the most celebrated, most anticipated yet abhorred by divorce lawyers: Valentine’s Day. It’s a pagan ritual, a festival with notorious beginning, but with the right intention. Loving others as yourselves is in fact a commandment, and therefore should be practiced everyday (I can almost hear you say, “of course”). But, there is a more terrible sin on that day-we forgot about the first commandment. There was a point in my life that I loved someone more than anything else. It was my Obsession, my Zahir. And there came a point in my life that I have to choose between the two: God or her. Love can be so vague, so free and yet we try to control its power. It should be set out, let it run its course and fill the world with this wonderful energy that we possess. Unfortunately, we channel this positive energy in a wrong way, leaving us imprisoned, shackled, powerless. Our minds begin to be absorbed that we throw away reality, and live in this self-created dungeon. Love is something good. In the hands of good can only render its true meaning. We should go to its source for its definition and ask him to guide you and lead you to a place of love. Love should be Love with a capital letter. Love can never be lve or lov, or ove, it must be complete in its fullness, radiant, inspiring to be better, to be perfect, just like Love is. Love doesn’t bow to two masters, for you should only choose one. Don’t worry by giving your allegiance to God He too will pour out his abundant love where we will never be disappointed, ever.


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