Thursday, December 29, 2005

A Day of Festivity

     I’m looking outside my window at the Christmas lights, wishing to be stars, and the light that emanates is something wonderful, colorful and festive. In reality, life is like those Christmas lights- only superficial and could only last for a month; after that is another year. My optimism fades, sometimes unlit, and sometimes bright; hoping it will endure up to the last days. Surprisingly but anticipated that life can never be foreseen. Every detail in our lives- the surroundings, every speck of dirt is never expected. But, in God’s eyes, our lives are already there, on the pages of the heavenly book collecting dust since the creation of man; waiting to be opened and read by someone worthy, someone with justice on his right hand, and love on the other. Praying for tomorrow; praying for all, for I’m not alone. There is a place where lovers meet; a place that existed years before they met- in our hearts.


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