Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Driver Seat

     Yesterday Friday, my mom and I went out to meet my dad at Alabang to have dinner. No special occasion just some family talk (or status report in business talk). Anyway, we got on the road around 5pm and commuted. As we were riding, we noticed some traffic as we got passed SM, but after that is another story.
     So, we are just sitting on a cramped FX waiting for the traffic to ease. But, as we arrived near Madrigal, my legs are beginning to complain. So, the traffic just stopped, in stand still, trapped in a black hole, and my mind was oblivious, racing to find some solution in a seemingly helpless situation. “I’m not the driver,” I thought. “I couldn’t just steer the wheel and decide for the passengers; I do not have control,” I said.
     Before any trip, I usually try to pray quietly for protection because I learned this lesson the hard way. Yup, I had an accident before, and because of that, things happened inside of me that changed me ever since.
     Therefore, in the middle of a “stuck in a moment” kinda thing, God gave me some advice. If we’re going to meet in Alabang and we were near the Town, why doesn’t my dad meet us there instead, rather than waiting for us farther South with the horrendous traffic? I told my mom and called my dad to consider the option. Afterwards, we got out and walked. Like the music video of REM, when the people stuck on traffic just got out and walked, well, I never thought I’d seen one!
     We are never in control, but we do have decisions to make that choose our path. In the end, God’s will is done in heaven as it is on earth, and through God’s eyes, our lives are predetermined. We just don’t know it. GB (God Bless!)


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