Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Joy of Christianity

Yes, Christians are persecuted, and yes Christians suffer, mourn and grieve. But, there is joy of serving Jesus our Lord. Now, I am saying these not from my own lips but Jesus himself told these to encourage Christians on keeping the faith ‘til the end. “Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them!” Although, Jesus told this not only to encourage, but because it is simply what God promised.

Earlier, I met with a family friend and were discussing about persecution and he agreed of what I said that there is no real Christian that is not persecuted. As it was written in the scriptures in Matthew 24:9 that everyone will hate you because of me as Jesus was saying to his disciples. I believe that if you are not persecuted then you are not a real Christian. In saying this, people will frown or shake their heads in disagreement, but we must remember that while we were living on this world, the world and Christian belief are deemed foes always in constant battle within us and around us. Therefore, what should be our reaction to friction and opposition? We should work for peace for Jesus said, “Happy are those who work for peace; God will call them His children!”

People might call Christians insane since Jesus is saying for us to be happy in spite of harsh persecution, but Jesus said these things for us to know that in the face of trials, God will give us a reward in heaven. Matthew 5:12.


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