Saturday, March 04, 2006

About Giving

     Just recently, I was meditating about how much we should give to the church monetarily. There was this argue about giving 10% tithe or else you will be committing a sin. On their defense regarding this, they would turn to their bibles and show Hebrews 7 where it says about the Order of Melchizedek and giving that King of Salem a tenth of Abraham’s wealth. On the other hand, a believer opposes to this and told about 2 Corinthians 9:6 that we should give according to our hearts desire and not out of sense of duty, and therefore you can cheerfully give any amount your heart dictates.

     There was a boy who came to a shop to purchase something. “Sir, I would like one Jesus Christ please?” The owner told the boy that it is worth about 10% of your entire income.

     Another similar situation is this:

     The boy came up to the shop owner to buy something. “Sir, can I have one Jesus Christ please?” The owner asked him how much it is worth for him and the boy answered, “That item is very precious to me that I would give my entire fortune for that!”


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