Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Christianity Is Impossible?

     I’ve been a Christian since the dinosaur age, and I think we’re hunted down to extinction. Trying to live a normal life in this world is everybody’s nightmare even for non-Christians. In reality, it’s unimaginably hard to follow Jesus’ footsteps, for we always lose, in our hearts and mind. Jesus said to give to the poor and the needy. Well, I’ve tried that, and I’ve been duped. Jesus said to be humble and be a slave to all, and yes, I tried that and got bad-mouthed. Jesus said to be like a child, so I got treated like one. Following Jesus could even get you kidnapped, hurt and killed as in the news. So, what’s the point in struggling, and doing what Jesus would do in this God-forsaken world? Jesus got one thing right, which is there will be persecution. Yeah, it wasn’t like the Roman days when Christians were fed to lions or lighted like a torch, but today it is the battle inside our minds and hearts. Before, it’s from the outside in, and now it creeps out from the inside out. We may not be missing a limb, but our heart is bleeding. Love is what remains. Love is what makes us getting up, going to work, commuting for days, listening to bosses, planting trees, feeding the pet, cleaning the house, studying, learning and living. For it says: Love never gives up. A promise Jesus made to all His followers that whoever holds out to the end WILL BE saved. Matthew 24:13. Posible! :)


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