Friday, July 21, 2006

Comes From Hearing

Even before the offensive of Israel, I was following the news about the casualties of Israelis caused by rockets fired by Hezbollah militants, and I might say even after Israel made the pull-out from Gaza, these militants never stopped pestering the Israelis. Occasionally, I read news about some deaths by these violent actions of these militants. It might be few but a death even of one person can save the whole world. It's that important life really is.

Lately, I've learned that our country men are second to the list of foreigners working in Lebanon about 30,000. First, the problem is getting them to safety, and that means ships from sea, or helicopters by air (since air planes need runways, and the runways were bombed by the Israelis), it's even difficult on how to get them out. We are just a poor country; we don't have ships, or helicopters, not even enough money to fly them to our country. Our president are appealing for other countries capable and have sufficient resources to lend a hand to our dear brothers and sisters by accepting them and giving them aid and the much needed help. Second, those people are now jobless. Where could they find work when they only can think about is their own safety? No wonder that those stranded Filipinos are willing to take the risk and stay; risking their lives for their own family.

Maybe, this is just a wake-up call to everyone that nothing is certain. One day you are happy and secured then the next day you just found out your out of job, unemployed out on the streets, sleeping with strangers. “...You have ignored all my advice and have not willing to let me correct you. So when you get into trouble, I will laugh at you. I will make fun of you when terror strikes- when it comes on you like a storm, bringing fierce winds of trouble, and you are in pain and misery. Then you will call for wisdom, but I will not answer. You may look for me everywhere, but you will not find me. You have never had any use for knowledge and have always refused to obey the Lord. You have never wanted my advice or paid any attention when I corrected you. So then, you will get what you deserve, and your own actions will make you sick. Inexperienced people die because they reject wisdom. Stupid people are destroyed by their own lack of concern. But whoever listens to me will have security. He will be safe, with no reason to be afraid.” Proverbs 1:25-33.


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