Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I just found out today that my parents don’t want me to be a musician. They even hindered my own business to continue. Sadly, I gave my best but unfortunately no one ever listened not even my family. Now, I’m trying to find reasons to continue this journey I’ve started hoping tomorrow will be better. I believe on something that no other one believed. If whoever reads this, must have felt the same way when you found out that your dreams will never come true. I’ve worked hard; I’ve done this with my bare hands for years I’ve struggled in vain. Why do they think that being a musician is low? In fact, my father’s brother was a musician himself. Maybe, he was right, maybe our kind is not respected not like those managers in office; maybe we are only entertainers just for a laugh in one moment in time and gone in a few days. They never really understand us artists. All they care about is how much money you earn not the real satisfaction of fulfilling our destiny. They call themselves Christians, and yet they even don’t know the meaning of purpose. I may live like a pauper, but my heart is good and righteous. I may live like the dogs, but we are human beings in truth and in God’s eyes. Look at them, they are so rich and wealthy, but in their hearts nothing is ever enough. What good is a man if he gains the whole world but forfeits his soul?


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