Thursday, August 04, 2005

Where Life Begins

Just the other day, we were trying to decide which movie to watch, a comedy or an action-fiction flick. At that moment, I was intrigued at the action flick about cloning. As you can read nowadays, man has already achieved animal cloning-Dolly the sheep, which is more of a frightening news rather than good. Toying with the idea that man can clone humans too is incomprehensible and sends shivers through my spine. There are just too many questions about the subject that render us motionless or emotional. Time will come that this will be possible, and we must face this fact of life. Why do we have to clone? Should we use this to preserve life or destroy it? Are we going to sacrifice life for knowledge? Stem cell research has already begun and telling us promises of longevity. It can cure cancer, it can cure tissue or heart defects. If this is true then why not continue this study? Again, we draw back and answer the most common question about when does life begins. If we cannot form a conclusion to this, do we allow this science to the expense of killing human life for the benefit of those who are “more” important people? This is in violation of our rights as equal human beings! The God who made us all never intended for others to be more or less. Just like a CEO compared to a janitor. No one is lesser in this world because we all have parts in this story called life, and everyone has its own purpose. What is cancer? What is death? Death is never the end, but only the beginning. If we just believe it.


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