Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Loving A Days Work

Business is slow. The only thing fast is food and depletion of funds. It may sound funny but it’s true. Nowadays, life can’t even more harder than this year. I know this because my friend is going abroad to make a living, and I do know no one wants to be away from home. It is a sacrifice, I thought. A sacrifice deeper than the wounds of work, a sacrifice deeper than the wounds of a better life. We always seek the better life. But, what is the better life? What comes to mind is having vacation all year long for the rest of your life. That really sounds good, isn’t it? Although, I do know some people who are not happy even if they are rich and does not have to make a days work- they are an example of our notion on what is the better life. One lesson I’ve learned during this journey in life is that we can never be happy and fulfilled if we are just forced to wake up every morning, commute for three-hours in the rain, your boss doesn’t appreciate any of your effort and eat a 30-peso meal just to pay the rent. What we should do is to renew our minds, open our eyes, and have the desire to learn more about our work, try to love it, embrace it, and strive to be the best in our field. Read. We should never stop learning new things, testing new waters and go and take the dive because you might not know that something good awaits you. Then decide. You are free. Take the freedom that God has bestowed you. Use it. But, be careful. What we decide now affects our future and what we did can never be undone. Yes, we are free, but freedom has rules. Remember, those rules are not there just to hinder us from happiness, but to guide us to the right path. Not to harm us, but to make us better, and so peace and happiness will be achieved.


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