Friday, October 07, 2005

The Good Die Better

“The Good die Better” What do you think about this phrase? Does it hold true? Do good people die peacefully and quietly? An example is King Josiah in the Old Testament (2Kings 22). Usually those days, Kings get killed in battles and wars that the heir to the throne become king in a very young age. King Josiah became king in the age of eight, yup that’s right, it is the age where you just flunked math in grade school, and coping with bullies in school. That’s why in the Bible, they mention the name of their mothers when a boy suddenly comes into power to rule a nation (do I hear some scolding?). Anyway, that’s how it was in those days and becoming a king is a very important position since you have all the right to impose higher taxes, build stone walls, send an army to their deaths, and so on. They are so important that the fate of the nation lies with them (well, not necessarily). Ok, King Josiah was a good man. He followed the footsteps of King David, faithful to God, obeyed His laws, and taught the people to rid of those disgusting idols, and liberate them from sin (Actually, there is a King in the New Testament who did this-hint, hint). Baaad kings after baaad kings that ruled Judah, King Josiah was the only exception. I’ve read his story and found no fault in him (well, at least not mentioned in the Bible). But, what is very interesting is that how he died. Yes, he ruled for thirty-one years as king of Judah, but his life came to an abrupt end when he died fighting the Egyptian army. I mean, Oh Lord, what happened to the scriptures saying, “You reap what you sow?” King Josiah sowed good seeds and yet died in a battle? I think he earned to die peacefully like his ancestor King David. Sadly my friends, we always expect for God to reward us in this lifetime that God will give us peace, and bountiful life in the end. However, the truth is, and what we should understand that we should never look at this life as the end, but only the beginning. God will reward us there with Him in His presence, when we meet face to face.


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