Tuesday, September 20, 2005

This is Our True Story

     Forget about the news for awhile, and let’s talk about boxing. I’ve been waiting for this movie for so long, and after hearing some positive reviews, my eagerness grows in anticipation. Frankly my dear, boxing for me is a very dangerous sport (I don’t even believe it’s a sport). I’ve studied martial arts and I know that a contact sport like this may result to physical damage permanently in your old age. Just like Mohammad Ali, who is suffering from some sort of a brain disease. But one of the most interesting lessons in life is that there are no black or white; almost everything that we face in today’s world is the gray area, and that what makes life very unique. In the movie Cinderella Man, boxing became a one man’s savior to an utter cruel reality of poverty. At the time of the Great Depression, it’s hard to cling on to one’s belief and ideals when everything in what we hoped for has failed. Jim Braddock has faced the most brutal opponent in his life: life itself. He has experienced hunger, pain, and even cried in hopelessness. The once mighty, champion of the world, has lost his own pride in exchange for a small change in his pocket, and food for his children. But even in these hard times, he and his wife held on to their faith that although powerless in the sight of their enemies, they placed their hands with one another, loved through sickness and in health may death do us part.
     Sometimes in life, we do not understand the things that is happening, and we start to question the authority from above. After putting up a fight; after doing everything in His command; after clinging to what is good even though everyone is against you, you stop and think why does it has to be like this? Is this how He would repay us after the good that we’ve done? Jim Braddock can’t understand why he has to work in a docking yard with his right hand injured. He even could not understand why he has to go on hungry every morning. After you’ve watched the movie, a sense of enlightenment and honest understanding will fill your way, and believe that in everything in life there is a higher purpose. This is our true story.


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