Monday, September 12, 2005

Acting The Preach

Tell me if I’m wrong, but I wonder why pastors don’t have to work? I mean, preparing for a sermon only takes 2-3 days at most and they still have so much time to spare, so what do they do for the rest of the week? Even the Apostle Paul in the bible had another job than preaching because he stressed that Christian Leaders MUST lead an example for others to follow. As Paul said in his letter to Thessalonica, “Surely you remember, our friends, how we worked and toiled! We worked day and night so that we would not be any trouble to you as we preached to you the Good News from God.” Pastors do not need flattering talk to be effective in preaching because Christians know that it is the Lord who works in us not them. Even by just reading the scriptures aloud is enough to convince others, for the Word of God is alive, and as we listen to His Word, brings healing and peace. Sometimes it is true that actions speak louder than words. Why don’t they give the collections they receive to the poor and needy? After all, that is what they’re trying to preach, isn’t it? Why is it more important to renovate the church building rather than be kind and give it to the members for payment of their hospital bills? And I don’t understand why they always preach about giving when they themselves do not give? How ironic.


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